Socialhead News Socialshop Socialshop Update: Rock All Shopping Channels With A better Product Feed

Socialshop Update: Rock All Shopping Channels With A better Product Feed

Starting from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on October 27th, 2020, ‘Socialshop’ is going to offer our valued users a smoother Facebook feeds submitting flow using your metafields.

In detail, Socialshop enables you to customize your product feeds even further by adding existing metafields from your Shopify stores to your product feeds.

This latest update from Socialshop offer merchants more precise customer targeting and higher product visibility on both Facebook Shop & Google Shopping.

Allow merchants to optimize their product feeds to the fullest extent with metafields. Socialshop will enable merchants to input and assign meta values into feed fields. Metafields include product metafields, variant metafields, shop metafields, etc.

Improve feeds submitting performance

With better optimization by metafields, your product feed performance will be improved considerably.

Shorten feeds submitting time

New Socialshop will reduce the waiting time for merchants when you submit your feeds for approval.

To further enhance your product feed performance, especially for the new Facebook Shop 2020, we would like to ask for your permission to access the metafield sections within your Shopify stores.

Socialshop Update: Rock All Shopping Channels With A better Product Feed

Approve now to access better feed customization now.

Log in to the Socialshop app and follow our simple instructions to upgrade now. 

If you have any concerns and questions about this, please contact us via or chat with our support team via live chat in-app.